Introduction to Reel Gardening Products
No matter the space you have available, Reel Gardening has the perfect product to help you get your garden started. From a small home garden, to large school or community gardens, Reel Gardening has a Garden in a Box for you.
This video as well as pages 13 – 24 of the Training Manual will introduce you to the various Reel Gardening Products that you can use to start a school, community or home garden. If you have not yet downloaded the Training Manual, you can download it using the link at the bottom of this lecture.
Once you have reviewed your options and spoken with your beneficiary partner to determine what their needs are, you can order your products directly from the Reel Gardening online store:
All products can be couriered directly to you, anywhere in South Africa.
If you are unsure which products are best for you and your project, call the Reel Gardening offices to chat it through: 011 782 0661 or email them at [email protected]
Over the years Reel Gardening has had many conversations with teachers and principals to find out what was needed to make the inclusion of a vegetable garden into the classroom as simple and easy as possible. The result of these discussions was the Learn and Grow Kit. Watch this video to learn more about this wonderful, affordable option for schools:
If you have chosen to work with a school and believe that the Learn and Grow Kit is the right option for you and your partner, you will still benefit from completing this training programme. Everything you learn about working with a team to prepare soil, plant a garden and how to maintain that garden must be applied to the Learn and Grow Kit.
With your new knowledge you can help our schools and teachers get the next generation growing!
REMEMBER: Once you have completed this lecture, click the orange ‘Complete and continue’ button at the top right corner of this page to continue to the ‘Working with Beneficiary Partners’ lecture. If you do not do this, the course will not recognise that you have completed this section.
Complete the Quiz below to test your knowledge. You can check your answers after each question. To understand the reasoning behind the answers, download the Reel Products Quiz Answers below.